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1. Vision Leaks

This spoof of a popular television commercial takes a humorous look at what could happen if you let the vision of your church leak.

2. Asteroid

What’s stopping your team from succeeding? This clever illustration shows the division and chaos of a team trying to save the world from impending doom. Learn from their mistakes.

3. Compass

If you are going to lead others, you need to have a clear idea where you are headed. Use this dramatic illustration to inspire leaders to have a clear goal as they lead others toward a specific direction.

4. The Way We're Wired

When others look for a reason to quit, you find a reason to keep going. This motivational video is a challenge for leaders to step up to the gift and skills God gave them to lead.

5. No Pressure

Without pressure, stress and pain, there is no growth. This dramatic illustration reminds us that Jesus never said we would have an easy life, but he promises to walk with us through every trial.

6. A Solid Hope

Peter grew up in an abusive home. This led to addiction and heartache. But as God worked in his life, he found forgiveness and peace. He now uses his past experience and his steel manufacturing plant to provide employment and support for people in his community that need a step up.

7. Made to Create Great Work

In this company profile of Brazen Animation, Founder and CEO Bryan Engram shares the story of how God inspired him to start an animation studio where their one goal is to tell inspirational stories with meaning and purpose.

8. Project 7

Tyler was very successful in his family’s business, but he felt God calling him to something more. Tyler used the gifts and the dreams that God gave him to start a company that would give back to the community. Tyler traded in the family business for a new Kingdom company.

9. Red Dot 100X

The Red Dot 100X ministry started out of a dream to expand a successful business into a ministry that serves others. They leverage their profits to help others. This company encourages and helps employees meet the needs of children at risk. Red Dot traded in “business as usual” for a Kingdom focus.

10. Correct Craft: Building Boats for the Glory of God

Bill Yeargin, President and CEO of Correct Craft, and others, describe the rich history and faith culture of Correct Craft. Correct Craft, which builds Nautique boats, was founded by the Melloon family with the mission statement “To build boats for the glory of God.” Along with many faith initiatives, they first strive to live in such a manner that employees, who may never go to church, come to Christ.

11. David Weekley: Building for God

David Weekley, Founder & Chairman of David Weekley Homes shares the struggles and victories of his very successful homebuilding business. He uses his faith and God-given skills and gives 50% of his income and 50% of his time for Kingdom endeavors.

12. Camp Gladiator

For fun, Ally decided to try out for American Gladiator (TV show) the morning of her wedding. She ended up winning, and then used that opportunity to start Camp Gladiator—fitness boot camps across America. She’s intentional about honoring God in this opportunity and blessing her clients both in their physical and spiritual health. This story can also be found in All the Places to Go featuring John Ortberg

13. A Church Profile: Servolution

The vision of The Healing Place Church is to change the world by serving. They unite as a congregation to serve together in teams and look for ways to partner with other organizations that are meeting needs. Hear the joy and excitement from the leaders, the teams and those that have received. The Healing Place Church traded in “status quo” for a Servolution. The Healing Place Church traded in “status quo” for a servolution.

14. What Inspires You?

In an attempt to motivate his “troops,” a soldier uses lines from famous movies and songs. His humorous speech inspires the group.