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1. When Giving Comes First

Justin and his family left their tithe for the end of the month, and often decided to not tithe. After taking a financial peace course, God convicted Justin and his wife to give money to their church first. Through their changed attitude toward finances, they’ve experienced growth and an enriched marriage. This real-life story originally appeared in The Treasure Principle with Randy Alcorn

2. From Tight Fists to Open Hands

Jennifer used to hold onto her money and possessions as if her life depended on them. But God convicted her and transformed her attitude about money. She then took advantage of an opportunity God gave her to be generous to a stranger. This real-life story originally appeared in The Treasure Principle with Randy Alcorn. 

3. Give Back

As Keith approached a chance to help lead his church, God pressed on his heart to tithe. After reassurance from God, Keith and his wife decided to give regularly to the church. Since then, they’ve seen the impact God is making through their faithful giving. This real-life story originally appeared in The Treasure Principle with Randy Alcorn. 

4. Generosity from Abundance

Cheryl and Bill decided to exercise extravagant generosity when God blessed them financially. Their pastor told them about an opportunity to help a pregnancy resource center—a ministry that resonated with Bill and Cheryl due to their own family story. This real-life story originally appeared in The Treasure Principle with Randy Alcorn.

5. The Joy of Sacrifice

Rachel and her husband had no idea what they were in for when they decided to build an unconventional family. Foster care turned into adoption, which turned into caring for an unwed mother and her baby in their home. They’ve found joy and purpose in God’s provision. This real-life story was originally featured in the Teach Us to Want series with Jen Pollock Michel. 

6. Giving Generously

Bryan and Stacy were challenged by a member of their church and their pastor to truly see all their resources as God’s, and to be intentional about giving generously to others. Being mindful of what they buy and how they spend their time and money has opened up many opportunities to help others. 

7. Eternal Rewards

Our offerings go towards different items, activities and people in the church. All of this impacts real lives for Christ. Use this simple illustration to teach the significance of giving and investing in that which is eternal.

8. Shaking off the Chains of Debt

When Dacia got her first job after college she got caught up in living to an elevated status, and she fell deeply into debt. God got her attention and directed her to a mission trip in Uganda. When she saw true poverty and God’s hand on orphans there, she changed her whole perspective on wealth and possessions.

9. Customer is King

Every marketing slogan screams that we’re number one and nothing else matters. Consumer-driven culture is creeping into the church and can sidetrack us from our mission. This compels us to ask, “Is life really all about ‘what’s in it for me?'”

10. Building in Financial Trust

In this real-life story, Joel and Erica discuss their financial struggles. Erica brought debt into the marriage and they went farther into debt as the months passed. Erica shares how Joel’s behavior destroyed trust. Eventually, she took over the finances and they made drastic decisions including a move into a smaller apartment.

11. The Offering Plate

This sobering illustration reveals how one little offering plate can trigger so many emotions from guilt to denial to worship.

12. Madison Avenue Moment

Jessica tried to find happiness in a total pursuit of money and personal pleasure, but came to realize it all left her empty. Through the love and grace of her local church and small group, she realized her joy was in her relationship with God.

13. Money Conflict in Marriage

Travis and Chenay’s biggest conflict is how to spend money. Travis thinks the plan is to take extra money and put it toward their debt. Chenay feels that she should be able to spend her paycheck on what she wants. She’s frustrated when she sees her friends have nice things. He’s frustrated that he doesn’t make more money. This real-life story illustrates the common problem of what overspending and debt can do to a marriage relationship.

14. Job Loss Causes Stress

Rob lost his job unfairly three days before Christmas. Rob wondered how to respond when it seemed like everyone was out to get him. He struggled with anger and stress that affected his marriage. At the end of his rope, he realized that God was the only One who could save his life and his soul.

15. Tithe (Donuts)

When we give our tithes and offerings, we aren’t giving away our own possessions, but offering back to God what is already His. This clever video illustration visually sets up the reality that everything comes from God.

16. Moth and Rust

Every day we are faced with choices. This video illustration challenges us to think whether we’re investing in temporary or eternal things.

17. Confessions of a Shop-a-holic

In this real-life story, Rebecca shares her struggles with consumerism and shopping.

18. Stock Market Crash Causes Worry

After Todd was laid off from his stock market job, he tried investing on his own. When that failed, Todd was faced with no money and no answer for a future job. He struggles with his choices and actions.

19. Hopeless and Without a Job

John quit his job to further his education and continued to work nights. When the economy crashed, the job market dried up. Pregnant with their first child, Keeya remained supportive even as bills and debt piled up. John felt hopeless.

20. Financial Worries of Raising a Family

Children brought a new focus in Sheri and Joe’s marriage. Sheri quit her job to be a stay-at-home mom. The loss of her income put a financial strain on their lifestyle. Sheri and Joe struggle with not having much money as they define what is truly important in their life.

21. Doubting God when Money is Tight

Cliff had a great job and Helen was able to stay home with their baby. When the economy slumped, they were left with mounting debt, a minimum-paying job, and Helen forced to put their baby in daycare. They questioned God’s sovereignty.

22. Simplify Your Life

This 43-second parody of a car commercial is designed to encourage rethinking our priorities.